
The World's First Online Marketplace for Buying and Selling Ammo

Perfecting the Purchase of Ammunition!

What is AmmoInvest?

Introducing AmmoInvest – a cutting-edge technology allowing customers to securely buy and sell stored ammunition.

You Buy It, We Store It.

You Want It, We Ship It.

The Price Goes Up, Sell It.

The Price Goes Down, Return It.

Join the AmmoInvest Revolution!

Quick & Easy To Use

With a free AmmoInvest account, you can explore the ammunition marketplace without making any purchases. Once you’re ready to purchase your ammunition, you can do so in 3 quick and easy steps.

Sign Up

Sign up with the world’s first ammunition marketplace in under a minute. No purchase required to explore.


Explore our real-time marketplace to determine the caliber of ammunition you’d like to purchase – just like other popular marketplaces.


Once you have selected ammunition, follow our simple check-out process. Once completed, you can view your purchases in real time in your Digital Wallet.

As the founder of AmmoInvest, I’ve combined my lifelong passion for firearms, freedom, and the Second Amendment with my expertise in programming. AmmoInvest was designed to create an investment platform around ammunition to provide financial self-defense for everyone who shares these values.

William D. Hinz, III

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